Ladies’ Home Journal - 1947








1.  Do you consider yourself complimented when you are told you "have brains like a man"?


Why should you? Men have wonderful brains for all kinds of powerful enterprises, but women are generally conceded to have a sensitivity and special kind of quickness all of their own. Even in the animal kingdom. Remember, the best Seeing Eye dogs are female!



2.  Do you resort to tears as a useful weapon in an argument?


A woman's tears have all the weight of tradition behind them, but a modern woman who can't find a better method of persuasion admits to highly limited diplomatic equipment. The honeyed word was ever better than dripping eyes - and nose. Dreadful destroyers of beauty! Even at that, a weeping woman is to be preferred to a shouting or sarcastic one.



3.  Do you expect extra consideration when traveling just because you are a woman? The services of the only baggage porter? First chance at the station taxi?


The chances are that if you are a pleasant-appearing, nice-mannered sort of person, you will find things made easier for you automatically. But if you demand special favors as your right, you may get a thorough snubbing from an otherwise quite decent male. Do you really blame him?



4.  Are you resentful when a man fails to remove his hat in an elevator, or when you are not offered a seat in a bus or subway?


These gallantries are undoubtedly agreeable, but not always practical. Consider the man in a crowded elevator; even if by Houdini-like manipulation of his arms he frees them enough to get his hat off, where is he going to hold it? Also, we must admit - however regretfully - that in being accorded the opportunity of hustling right along at the male elbow in pursuit of a pay envelope, we may have forfeited some of the gentler considerations.



5.  Do you often use the excuse of "having a headache" when you wish to get out of an irksome duty?


Beware lest you fall into a pit of your own making. By leaning too heavily on this flimsy excuse, you will have nothing to offer when an occasion of real distress arrives, and will get very little sympathy when you crave it most.



6.  When a man pays you a heavy-handed compliment in public, do you smile graciously (however bored), scoff at him lightly, or pin back his ears with a sharp quip?


The more foolish you, if you give way to either of the latter temptations, for no matter how stupid the offender or how little you care for his particular opinion, you mark yourself down in the eyes of the bystanders as a woman of uncertain temper who would rather be clever than kind. And every mother's son shies away from a woman with a two-edged tongue.



7.  Do you think quickly on the telephone when pressed to do, or buy, something which doesn't interest you, so that you can say "No" without leaving a sting?


Ah, there is woman's wit at its best! This must be so, since most men declare they would rather be shot than have to extricate themselves from a high-pressure telephone approach.



8.  Are you tempted to offer to go Dutch on a meal check when you know your escort has a small salary?


Don't do it. Make it up in other ways: with return entertainment in your home, or with other forms of hospitality which your woman's ingenuity can devise. No proud male wants to feel that his dinner companion believes he is financially inadequate - but he appreciates a smart girl who keeps a kindly eye on the right hand column of the menu!



9.  Do you give instructions to the waiter, or the taxi driver, when you are with an escort?


At the risk of biting off your tongue, don't. Deference to male authority in public places is one of the prettiest gestures a woman can make - also one of the best investments, since a man feels like doing ten times as many things for an agreeable companion who acts pleased with his management as for a bossy one.



10.  Do you make a point of proclaiming in mixed company, "Thank goodness, I know how to look after myself and don't have to ask any favors from anybody!"?


That is probably the No. 1 rule for what not to do, if you wish to reap the delightful rewards of true femininity. No, silly, no one wants you to go simpering around with downcast eyes and a look of being too, too helpless. But any man worth his salt has inherited a touch of the When Knighthood Was in Flower strain from his forbearers, and thrives on having a sense of responsibility where womenfolk are concerned. Why freeze willing males off with a loud boast of independence, and do yourself out of a lot of pleasant and helpful attention? Of all laboursaving devices ever invented for women, none has ever been so popular as a devoted man!



You may not accept all the foregoing conclusions, but if you are in agreement on the majority, it is a safe bet that you are equipped with enough femininity to hold your own in any market, including the matrimonial. If you are too much out of line, better relax a little. You may be too aggressive for other people's comfort, and your own happiness.




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